KSN Sports Day - 2023

The KSN sports day was held on January 26 with active participation from the staff and children of Marshal Duar.
Ivor was the star of the ‘kick the ball’ event. He showed us how it’s done.
The walking race for the women was dominated by Sister Ajanta. She walked away with it leaving the rest far, far behind.

The younger womens’ 100 m race had the most participants. Priyanka was the winner amidst stiff competition.
The children also enjoyed themselves with participation from all the Marshal Duar kids and also the staff kids.
Amiya showed his skill and technique in the slow cycle race by being the last one cycling on the field.
Sagar Bhaduli surprised everyone with his ‘go as you like’ get-up. He was the real deal.
The super star of the show was the MC – Mr Israel Singh. He was dominating the middle east of KSN.
After the event we were all treated to lunch with fantastic and tasty Khichudi, mangso and chutney.

All this couldn’t have been possible without the planning and organizing by Rahul, Subhajit and Preema. Big thanks to them.

Khristiya Seva Niketan

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